Southern Aluminum:
New Product Development
Southern Aluminum is the industry’s leading provider of high-end linenless meeting and event furniture. The linenless table, introduced in 2005, drove the company’s growth within the hospitality end market.
Identifying the Opportunity
With significant brand awareness and customer satisfaction regarding its products and services, Southern Aluminum sought to expand wallet share and win new customers. While further broadening its product portfolio seemed attractive, the management team wanted to know which new products would best drive growth.
Crafting the Solution
Working with Southern Aluminum, we devised an approach to identifying potential new products, along with determining their respective market sizes, impact on production and salesforce operations, and cross-selling synergies. After mapping the product market landscape, holding many calls with hotel operators, conducting a market survey, and comparing customer wants against Southern Aluminum’s market positioning, we identified several high-priority opportunities.
The resulting work product combined qualitative and quantitative analyses regarding the most attractive new product development with a roadmap that considered the nuances for both organic growth and potential acquisitions.

Case studies are presented for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied on as an indication of how Saw Mill or any of its portfolio companies have performed in the past or will perform in the future.