Market Share & Demand Trends
ARCXIS is the nation’s largest provider of inspection, engineering, quality, and risk management services to residential builders. We partnered with the company in 2019.
Identifying the Opportunity
In 2019, the company was just starting to expand out of Texas. As ARCXIS opened new branches in other states, the management team wanted to better understand their position in each local market as its customers and competitors vary by geography.
Crafting the Solution
Working with ARCXIS, we combined internal company data with market data on housing permits and starts published by the US Census. We created a set of dashboards that enabled ARCXIS management team to track the following KPIs on a monthly basis.
- ARCXIS market share by metropolitan area and state
- Housing permit and start by metropolitan area and state
This dashboard allowed the ARCXIS team to gauge the effectiveness of its strategy in real-time within each local market. It also enabled the team to quickly identify operational issues within specific geographies. Most importantly, it provided the management team with a comprehensive view of the company’s performance in relation to the local market conditions.

Case studies are presented for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied on as an indication of how Saw Mill or any of its portfolio companies have performed in the past or will perform in the future.